Decline Dumbbell Pullover – How to Perform, Muscles Worked, and Benefits

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The decline dumbbell pullover is a beneficial exercise to train your lats, chest, shoulder, and core muscles using a decline bench. It provides a wide range of motion of arm and shoulder than a traditional dumbbell pullover.

This exercise can be your ideal exercise to create hypertrophy in your chest and lays because during this exercise your muscle is stretched and strengthened symmetrically, and all muscle fibers get hit and grow together.

In this article, we discuss in-depth, what you need to know about the decline dumbbell pullover, how you can perform this exercise safely, which muscles mainly get hit, and some alternatives, and variations of this exercise. </p

Decline Dumbbell Pullover muscle worked

In declined dumbbell pullover the primary working muscles are the lattisimus Dorsi(lats) and Pectoral muscle (mainly lower chest). The lattisimus dorsi is the broadest muscle on the side of your back, which mainly help to create your V-shaped back.

And the lower chest is the area situated between the shoulder and abs area(lower 1/3 of your chest bump).

As latissimus dorsi is a large muscle, it has multiple origin points, it originated from the spinous process of T7 to T12 , thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest, and interior angle of the scapula and was inserted on the floor of intertubercular groove of the humerus.


The primary action of the latissimus dorsi is producing movements on the shoulder joint (internal rotation, adduction, and extension of the arm).

Lower chest or pectoralis minor is originated from the margins of 3th to 5th ribs . The fibers consequently pass upward and laterally and are inserted into the superior surface and medial border of the coracoid process .


The primary actions of this muscle include the stabilization, abduction or protraction, internal rotation , and downward rotation of the scapula.

How to perform decline dumbbell pullover safely

The decline dumbbell pullover is one of the best exercises to build maximum hypertrophy in your shoulder and chest muscle. To get the maximum result you have to do this exercise slowly, at the end range hold for at least 2 seconds and bring it back to starting position and repeat it for the desired repetition.

  • Need a bench and a pair of dumbbells (medium weight).
  • Set the bench height to the decline position.
  • Fixed your both feet securely in place, hold two dumbbells by each hand, and carefully lay down on the bench.
  • Keep in mind that, your head is supported on the bench, don’t hang your head over the edge of the bench.
  • As decline the chest press, push the dumbbells up vertically above your head.
  • Stable your shoulder joint, with a straight elbow, and lower the dumbbells towards the ground behind your head.
  • At the end range hold for 2 seconds , feel a gentle stretch in the chest muscle, and slowly bring it back to the overhead position or starting position.
  • Repeat this way for the desired number of repetitions to create enough amount of hypertrophy.

If you want to grow your chest and upper back faster, you can do 3 to 4 sets of 15 repetitions , keep in mind during this exercise, perform slowly and at the end range hold for 2 seconds to put maximum load on your muscle fibers.

Actually, there are two fundamental ways to perform this exercise. One is by using a pair of dumbbells, one in each hand, and the other is using a single dumbbell grasp by both hands.

Both similarly work on chest, lats, shoulder, and core muscles but holding a dumbbell in each hand will give you more ability to train your lats muscles intensely.

To perform this exercise your body requires more stability and balance, so your overall core is also engaged.

As a beginner you can perform a decline dumbbell pullover by using a single dumbbell grasp by both hands, in this variation stability and balance is less required, prevent tends to injury of the shoulder joint.

Keep in mind during the decline dumbbell pullover

  • Do some shoulder mobility exercises before you perform this exercise.
  • Fixed both feet securely in place.
  • Make an arch on the lumber region and keep engaging your core muscles.
  • Support your head on the bench, don’t hang it on the edge.
  • Start with a pair of lightweight dumbbells then progressively increase.
  • Perform this exercise slowly and carefully to prevent shoulder injury .

Decline dumbbell pullover variations

You can perform decline pullovers in different ways, means by using different types of equipment and this is the best way to put weight on each and every muscle fiber.

1. Banded Decline Pullover

Banded Decline Pullover is a mobility exercise, more than a strengthening exercise. This is more used in physiotherapy sessions to increase your shoulder joint mobility .

When you are using a dumbbell the maximum weight feels on your muscles when you lift the dumbbell back to an upright position. But when you are using a resistance band, the maximum resistance feels in your muscle fibers when you hold the resistance at an upright position above your chest.

How to do banded decline pullover

  • Set a dynamic gym bench to decline position.
  • Attach a resistance band, behind your head, at the possible lowermost position.
  • Lay down on the flat bench carefully, with your head supported on the bench, and secure your feet on a point.
  • Hold a dumbbell with both hands attached to a resistance band, engage your core muscles, stable your shoulder joint, and slowly bring it up to an upright position.
  • At the end range hold for 2 seconds , feel the contraction, and try to put maximum weight on your muscle fiber.
  • Carefully bring it back to starting position and repeat it for the desired repetition.

Perform this exercise slowly and do 3 to 4 sets of 15 repetitions to get maximum hypertrophy and grow your lats and chest faster.

Keep these in mind during performing

  • Do some basic mobility exercises before you perform this exercise.
  • Engage your core muscles, throughout this exercise.
  • Try to keep straight your elbow joint and wrist.
  • Fixed your both feet securely on a point.
  • Do this exercise slowly and carefully to get maximum hypertrophy and grow muscle faster.

2. Barbell decline pullover

Barbell decline pullover is also a beneficial exercise variation to put extra load on your lats and lower chest muscles. This is a similar type of exercise of dumbbell decline pullover, instead of using a dumbbell here you are using a straight barbell.

By using a barbell your shoulder girdle is more stable and more balanced throughout this exercise, so the chance of injury to the shoulder joint is less. Also in this variation, you put similar resistance on both sides lays and chest muscles, so both side muscles grow symmetrically.

How to perform this exercise

  • Take a dynamic gym bench, and set it to decline position.
  • Choose a medium-weight barbell, grasp it with both hands,s, and seat on one edge of the decline bench.
  • Secure your both feet on a point of a decline bench.
  • Engage your core, stable your shoulder girdle, and slowly lay down on a bench with making an arch in the lumbar region.
  • Push the barbell to the upright position, like a chest press, and keep straight your arm.
  • Slowly bring it down, towards the floor, behind your head. At the end range hold for 2 seconds, feel the contraction, and allow the muscle to get microtear.
  • Carefully bring it back to starting position, and repeat it for the desired number of repetitions.

Keep in mind during barbell decline pullover

  • Do some shoulder mobility exercises before you perform.
  • Start using a medium-weight barbell, then slowly you can increase it.
  • Secure your both feet on a point.
  • Stable your shoulder girdle, when you bring the weight towards the floor, behind your head.
  • Perform this exercise slowly to get the maximum benefit from it.

Decline dumbbell pullover alternatives

Decline pullover mostly acts on the lats, shoulder, and lower chest muscles. There are many other exercises are present which are also help to attain your lats, shoulder, and lower pectoral muscles.

To hit your muscles in every direction you have to do some exercise variations and some alternatives, know these exercises, and include them in your workout routine.

1. Decline dumbbell press

Decline dumbbell press is a great exercise to put maximum resistance on your lower chest muscle or lower pectoralis. When you set the bench in a decline position, you put more emphasis on the lower part of the chest muscle. You can do 3 to 4 sets of 15 repetitions to get maximum hypertrophy into your muscle fibers.

2. Dumbbell pullover

The dumbbell pullover is work symmetrically as the decline dumbbell pullover. But for the decline position, your muscle gets a larger range of motion to do a movement, training your muscle more efficiently.
In declined dumbbell pullover, the body position is not so comfortable(blood rushing to your head), but the declined version offers more benefits.
I recommend you perform the dumbbell pullover first, as you become comfortable then you can try the decline dumbbell pullover exercise.

3. Decline dumbbell fly

Decline dumbbell fly is another best exercise to train your lower pectorals, it is the best finisher of a chest exercise routine.
Chest muscles get more resistance compared to their flat version and muscle play on a larger range of motion. During performance keep your elbow fixed, your shoulders engaged, and fly across your body.

4. Bent over row

To strengthen your back muscle and lats bent over a row is an ideal option for you. To perform bent over row you can use a barbell or dumbbell. Slightly bent your knee, hinging at your hip to lean forward with a straight back, and bring the weight towards your stomach and back down.

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Decline dumbbell pullover benefits

There are several benefits to performing decline dumbbell pullover exercises. From increased mobility of the shoulder joint to strengthening your lats and chest in every aspect this exercise is so much beneficial.

Here are some important benefits lists, read carefully, and know in depth about these.

1. Increase shoulder mobility

By doing a decline dumbbell pullover, your shoulder mobility is increased so the chance of injury to the shoulder joint is less.

If you are going to do shoulder exercises, you have to do this mobility exercise before to increse the range of motion of the shoulder joint.

2. Strengthen your lats and chest

The decline dumbbell pullover is a beneficial exercise to train your lats, chest, and shoulder surrounding muscles. If you want to grow your lower pectoralis and try to give a shape to your chest then declining a dumbbell pullover is the best option.

In a flat bench, your medial chest will be more get hit but in declined dumbbell pullover your lower pectorals muscle is getting the maximum hits.

3. Stretched chest and lats muscles

Along with strengthening the lats and chest muscles, a decline dumbbell pullover is an ideal exercise to stretch your lattisimus dorsi and lower chest muscle.

When you bring the weight towards the floor, behind your head, your lats and chest muscles get stretched, and when you bring it up to an upright position, muscles get a maximum contraction.

4. Increse your core stability

Along with chest, lats, shoulder, and triceps in decline dumbbell pullover your core muscles are also trained. When you perform this exercise, your core muscles are engaged throughout this exercise.

When you bring the dumbbell back upwards your core will need to be activated to create the balance required to keep your body stable. Also during making the lumber arch your core muscles are active throughout this exercise.


In this article, you know about what is decline dumbbell pullover, how you can do this, some variations and alternatives of this, and some trainer tips, which you have to keep in mind during exercise. All exercises and information in this article are based on deep research and my year of experience.

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Frequently asked question

Is decline dumbbell pullover worth doing?

decline dumbbell pullover exercise is designed to strengthen and stretch your lats and lower chest muscles. To build your lower pectoral muscle and to get your v-shaped back this is an important exercise.

What does a dumbbell pullover work?

A dumbbell pullover is work on the lats, lower pectoral(lower chest), and shoulder muscles. It is a gentle exercise to grow your lower chest and build a shredded back.

Is dumbbell pullover for the chest or lats?

The dumbbell pullover is mainly for the lower chest or lower pectoral muscle, along with chest muscle dumbbell pullover also works on the lats muscle which is help to build your back muscle fast.

Does dumbbell pullover build chest?

Yes, the dumbbell pullover helps to build the chest. It mainly helps to grow your lower chest or lower pectoral muscle. To build your chest muscle intensely you have to perform this exercise slowly and carefully.

Do dumbbell pullovers build mass?

Yes, a dumbbell pullover helps to build a mass of your lower chest and lats muscle. To build your mass you have to do this exercise slowly, at the end range hold for 2 seconds and repeat it for the desired repetition.

Difference between decline dumbbell pullover and flat dumbbell pullover?

Flat dumbbell spillover mainly works on the medial chest muscle, but in the decline dumbbell pullover position, more weight is put on the lower chest muscle. And in the declined muscle you have a large range of motion to perform these movements and promote faster growth.

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